oswego east track & field parent informationWelcome! Here Parents will find helpful information.
Practice: We will practice every day Monday-Saturday, including days off of school. It is expected that all athletes are present for every practice and on time. If your son is absent from school you must notify the school of your sons absence AND you must notify the coaches. If your son is injured, they are still expected to be at practice. They will cross train with the trainers and coaches while rehabbing to keep in-shape.
Practice is mandatory. The only exceptions for missing practice are a family emergency or an unavoidable circumstance that the coaches have been notified of well in advance. Meets: We will travel to and from the meets together on the team bus. Athletes must wear their uniform and school issued warm-ups. All Oswego East Track and Field gear that is purchased is also acceptable to wear. If athletes choose to wear garments under their uniform (compression shorts, tights, and long sleeved shirts) they must be navy bottoms and white tops. The track & field meets are a time for your sons to compete. That takes a tremendous amount of focus and mental preparation before an event. Please allow them the time to do that while we are at a meet. After the event it is vital that the coaches are the first to give immediate feedback to the boys. Once the boys have finished their event they need to remain near the finish area with their team until we have finished discussing their event. Practice is mandatory. The only exceptions for missing practice are a family emergency or an unavoidable circumstance that the coaches have been notified of well in advance. Season: The Season begins on Tuesday January 16th and runs through the State Meet on Saturday May 26th. We will practice as a Team through the entire time period. Equipment: Your sons need to be prepared to run outside in all weather conditions on a daily basis. With the exception of lightning and extreme cold temperatures, we will have practice and meets outdoors. If there is lightning or extreme coldness, we will still have practice using our indoor facilities. Shoes – Athletes must have appropriate running shoes (all event groups will be running on a daily basis). Shoes typically last about 2 months before they need to be replaced. Failure to replace your shoes in a timely fashion results in injuries and a drop in performance. Purchase from Oswego East T&F: Race Singlet ($25) Race Shorts ($25) Warm-up Pants ($25) Warm-up Jacket ($25) *All yours to keep and use for every track/XC season that you participate in. You must supply: Practice clothes; running shorts, t-shirts, long sleeved shirts, tights, running pants, hats, and gloves. Equipment bag Running Shoes – most important piece of equipment (new pair every 2 months). Racing Spikes/Event Shoes/Spikes |